Race Date Coming Soon
Delta Backyard Ultra is a foot race where competitors must consecutively run 6706 meters (aka a “yard”) in less than one hour until there is only one last finisher. When you’ve completed the yard, you may use the remaining time within that hour to recover and fuel for your next yard.
"If you're going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure."
Gary Cantrell (aka Lazarus Lake, aka Laz), Founder of Barkley Marathons, Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra & more.
Delta Backyard Ultra rules:
- The race starts at 7:00am .
- You will need to be in the starting corral before the yard starts, and leave when the siren sounds to signify the start of the yard (no late starts).
- Each yard will start exactly one hour after the previous yard started. You will be given 3, 2, and 1-minute warnings prior to the start of the next yard.
- Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted, including the final lap.
- Except for restrooms, you are not permitted to leave the course until each yard is completed.
- You may have as many supporters as you wish with you in Camp Delta, where you and your supports are allowed to set up camp within a demarkated area.
- There is no requirement for any compulsory gear while you are running a given yard. Headphones may be worn throughout your race.
- You may not use any artificial aids (e.g. trekking poles) or personal aid (e.g. supporter/ seconder or pacer) to assist you during your race.
- Non-competitors (including eliminated runners) are not allowed to start and run the yard with competitors.
- Your race will be over if you fail to be in the start corral before the siren sounds or if you don’t complete the yard within the given hour.
- The winner of DBU is the last person to complete a yard. If no runner can complete one more yard than anyone else within an hour, there is no winner – everyone is a DNF (Did Not Finish).
Delta Backyard Ultra has matured into a more inclusive event. In addition to the Classic Delta Backyard Ultra (DBU), the Distance Challenge (DC) takes place throughout the DBU event – provided there two DBU runners participating (if there is only one DBU person standing, then they must start their final yard on their own).
The DC consists of the following races:
- 1 Yard (+5km) – Races on Day 1 & Day 2
- 4 Yards (+21.1km) – Races on Day 1 & Day 2
- 7 Yards (+42.2km) – Races on Day 1 & Day 2
- 15 Yards (100km) – Race over both Day 1 & Day 2
The DC format is simple:
- Enter the specific race distance(s) you intend to compete in (you may enter as many challenges as you want).
- Show up on the day of your race:
- Day 1 starts on the first day from 7:00 am to 23:00 or until the last Classic DBU runner goes out for their final lap, whichever comes first.
- Day 2 starts on the second day from 00:00 until 23:00 or until last Classic DBU runner goes out for their final lap, whichever comes first.
- Note that if the DBU race finishes at 23:00 on Day 1, there will not be a Distance Challenge event on Day 2 (but Jacov Lalou is returning, and he’s got big plans… so we don’t believe there’s a big risk we won’t go into Day 2)
- You may run as many yards as you want throughout the DC event each day, but only your fastest yard(s) will count toward your result.
- Results will be tallied after the event, and the winner of each event will be announced the following day.
Classic DBU Event runners are automatically entered in every Distance Challenge event.
DBU's yard is an easy 6.706km route with 90m elevation +/_
Each yard starts and finishes within Camp Delta Scouts Grounds.
The route will be marked with appropriate markers. The route can be viewed online in full 3D at FATMAP.com.
Examples of estimate yard distances are shown below:

Yard Number
1 = First yard
4 > 21.1km
7 > 42.2km
13 =
14 > CM
16 =
20 =
24 = 100m
25 =
32 =
38 = SA Rec
40 =
48 = 200m
90 = WR
6.706 km
20.1 km
46.9 km
87.2 km
93.9 km
107.3 km
134.1 km
160.9 km
167.7 km
214.6 km
254.7 km
268.2 km
321.9 km
603.5 km
Elevation +/_
90 m
360 m
630 m
1170 m
1260 m
1440 m
1800 m
2160 m
2250 m
2880 m
3420 m
3600 m
4320 m
8100 m

Your entry includes:
- Race garment**
- Goodie bag
- Camp Delta conservation fee
- Camping & ablution facilities
- Coffee & food vendors
- Bonfire
- Limited communal nutrition station
- Marked and prepared route
- Security and medical support
- Finisher race medal
- Spot prizes
You may run a yard every hour for as many hours as you can,
but our entries are limited.
Any queries?
+27 72 1997899